Forecast for the afternoon/evening
BL - Belluno and Eastern Prealps: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Moderate - Chance of: 100%
PD - Padova and central plain: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms - Chance of: 100%
RO - Rovigo and Southern plain: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms - Chance of: 100%
TV - Treviso and Eastern plain: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms - Chance of: 100%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms - Chance of: 100%
VR - Verona and submontane: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms - Chance of: 100%
VI - Vicenza and submontane: Broken or overcast - Precipitations: Rainfalls also like showers/thunderstorms - Chance of: 100%
Friday 13 night/morning
BL - Belluno and Eastern Prealps: Cloudy or broken - Precipitations: Light local - Chance of: 50% - Snow limit: Above 1500-1800 m
PD - Padova and central plain: Cloudy - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 90%
RO - Rovigo and Southern plain: Cloudy - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 80%
TV - Treviso and Eastern plain: Cloudy - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 60%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Cloudy - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 90%
VR - Verona and submontane: Cloudy - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 70%
VI - Vicenza and submontane: Cloudy - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 70%
Friday 13 afternoon/evening
BL - Belluno and Eastern Prealps: Decreasing cloudiness - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
PD - Padova and central plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
RO - Rovigo and Southern plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
TV - Treviso and Eastern plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 30%
VR - Verona and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
VI - Vicenza and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
Saturday 14 night/morning
BL - Belluno and Eastern Prealps: Partly cloudy - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
PD - Padova and central plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 0%
RO - Rovigo and Southern plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 0%
TV - Treviso and Eastern plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 0%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 0%
VR - Verona and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 0%
VI - Vicenza and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 0%
Saturday 14 afternoon/evening
BL - Belluno and Eastern Prealps: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
PD - Padova and central plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 50%
RO - Rovigo and Southern plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 50%
TV - Treviso and Eastern plain: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 50%
VR - Verona and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Light - Chance of: 50%
VI - Vicenza and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
Sunday 15
DE - North-eastern Dolomites: Clear or scattered - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
PC - Central Prealps: Clear or scattered - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Clear or scattered - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
VR - Verona and submontane: Clear or scattered - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
Monday 16
DE - North-eastern Dolomites: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: Mostly absent - Chance of: 10%
PC - Central Prealps: Partly cloudy - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
VE - Venice and lagoon: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%
VR - Verona and submontane: Cloudiness and clearings - Precipitations: None - Chance of: 0%